Ні Росії на церемонії Нобелівської премії миру
Ambassadors who make excuses for and and support their regimes' war crimes have no place at the ceremony. They spit in the face of peace and to invite them spits in the faces of their victims. Do better.Valentyn Persaud (Rønne, 2023-09-06)
Russia is committing atrocities in Ukraine and Syria and Belarus and Iran are both assisting them. None of them should be rewarded.Marybeth Snyder (Biddeford, 2023-09-06)
Russia is a terrorist state.Mathieu Allard (Montreal, 2023-09-06)
Because I'm not ok with people representing a country committing genocide in Ukraine being invited at a ceremony celebrating PEACEAlexia Picoulet (Nice, 2023-09-06)
Russia should be isolated until they leave Ukraine.Hans Ericsson (växjö, 2023-09-06)
I support UkrainePeter Malakhov (Toronto, 2023-09-06)
Moral reasonsEldin Čubro (Sarajevo, 2023-09-06)
Russia is a terrorist state.R J (Göteborg, 2023-09-06)
I feel it to be horribly wrong inviting representatives from these states after what they have done, or assisted in getting done, in Ukraine. The Nobel Foundation should have higher moral standards than this.Göran Löfström (Stockholm, 2023-09-06)
Ambassadors of counties who commits genocide in Ukraine cannot participate in Nobel events.Miska Hellgren (Helsinki, 2023-09-06)
russia is a terrorist state and should be recognised as such.Daniel Filipek (Katowice, 2023-09-06)
Det er stor skam at de er invitert mens de fører angrepskrig mot et fritt land!Axel K. Strøm (1455 Nordre Frogn, 2023-09-06)
No terrorists at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony.Silke Bhatia (DEN HELDER, 2023-09-06)
It's the right thing to doNicolas Fränkel (Saint Julien en Genevois, 2023-09-06)
Harald 5th. should step in and use his authority to prevent Norwegian Nobel team to support terrorist states.Ari Ojala (Lappila, 2023-09-06)
The nobel prize stands for progress, enlightement and a united global community. To invite representatives of a state that is currently violating both international and humanitarian law is to tacitly endorse them. Please reverse this decision.Charles Bardswell (Datchet, 2023-09-06)
Upholding moral values is what holds society together. To disregard these values and invite people who wage war without justification and commit acts that wouldn't be forgivable even if the lies were true to an international promoting peace is hypocritical and self destructive.Logan Hattenbrun (Oxford, 2023-09-06)
I don't want to see a country involved in GENOCIDE at the PEACE awards.Malcolm Nealon (Oosterzee-Buren, 2023-09-06)
Russland er en forbryterstat som driver systematisk terror.Knut Eirik Sletbakk (Narvik, 2023-09-06)
Estados genocidas e agressores não devem participar do Nobel da Paz. É um contrasenso.Maria Luiza Dias Costa (Rio de Janeiro, 2023-09-06)
В той час , коли вони нас вбивають всією країною ( бо країна існує за рахунок тих хто в ній сплачує податки) про які відзнаки може бути мова !Ольга Мірошніченко (Ларвік, 2023-09-06)
Iran people needs freedom.Russia is a terrorist state.
Antoine Romeas (Saze, 2023-09-06)
I'm disgusted that these terrorist countries are invited and it reflects so badly on those who invite themJohn Quinn (Barcelona, 2023-09-06)
Countries whose regime is committing war crimes and generally terrorist states and those closely related to such countries must be banned from evets that allow them to paint themselves as peace-loving.M. Schmid (Basel, 2023-09-06)
State sponsors of terror who are in direct conflict with human liberties should not be allowed to participate in awards which celebrate the human developments they so openly oppose.John Mask (Tuscaloosa, 2023-09-06)
Russia is a terrorist state.Mika Kurikkala (Helsinki, 2023-09-06)
War criminals obviously do not belong at a peace prize cermony.Claes Abrahamsson (Stockholm, 2023-09-06)
Russia is a terrorist stateMauro Onori (Enånger, 2023-09-06)
Fuck RussiaChristian Lang (Graz, 2023-09-06)
I'm American, we do not support imperial invaders whose larger countries can overwhelm smaller countriesScott Linge (Minneapolis, 2023-09-06)
Fuck RussiaBen Paller (Karben, 2023-09-06)
Russia is engaged in terrorismJohn Shields (Lamar, 2023-09-06)
Russia is a terrorist state and should be treated as such in every sphereIleana Cartagena (Guayaquil, 2023-09-06)
representatives of coutries waging a war of aggression should be excluded from such eventPhilipp Obermair (Neulengbach, 2023-09-06)
I'm signing because russia is a terrorist state.Blake Archibald (Royalton, 2023-09-06)
Russia, Iran and Belarus are the worst representats of evil on this planet, so how can you even think for one minute to invite such a criminals? Its disgrace for whole free world.Pavel Vohník (Slušovice, 2023-09-06)
Russia is commitong genocide jn Ukraien.. they should not be invited to anything at all.Steven Party (Cardiff, 2023-09-06)
With All due respectDavid Zalazar (Krolewiec, 2023-09-06)
Russia is a terrorist state. Russia is a fascist state. Russia is committing genocide in Ukraine. Russia is committing war crimes in Ukraine. They must not be allowed to participate.Raven Hunt (Cranbrook, 2023-09-06)
I agree with the proposal: No participation of Russia, Belarus, or Iran at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremonyAnthony Murfet (VANCOUVER, 2023-09-06)
I’m signing this because inviting genocidal nations to the Nobel ceremony is just so wrong. Think again!Jane Barker (Oldham, 2023-09-06)
Russia must be denazified.Lars Bjurbäck (Stockholm, 2023-09-06)
Of the stupidity and callous disregard of moral duty being exhibited by inviting representitives of nations currently engaged in war and genocide. Balarus included!!!Luke Bruce (Burleigh heads, 2023-09-06)
Because Russia is a Terrorist StateMaryana Trofymova (Cuggiono, 2023-09-06)
Russia is a terrorist stateAna Pais (Lisboa, 2023-09-06)
Russia is a nazi state committing genocide in UkraineRemis R (London, 2023-09-06)
RUSSIA is committing war crimes and is no longer a good global citizenMartin Conlan (Glen Huon, 2023-09-06)
I oppose the war in UkraineJohn Warwicker (Kings Lynn, 2023-09-06)
Belarus, Russia and Iran regularly abuse the human rights of their own citizens as well as citizens from other countries. Until they treat people with compassion and humanity like other civilized nations they do not deserve to participate in these types of international events!Lorayne Hansen (Port Coquitlam, 2023-09-06)
I am appalled that Norway has maintained their 2023 Nobel invitation the Russian Federation, Belarus, and Iran. This utterly shameless, naive, and destructive. Terrorist autocracies engaging in genocide have no place in international festivities celebrating peace. These invitations only provide these regimes what they seek: a further pseudo-legitimisation of their lies.Aude Plontz (Hawthorn East, 2023-09-07)
These countries should be cut off from all civilized nations entirely due to their genocide in UkraineNick Silva (Hershey, 2023-09-07)
RussiaisaTerroriststatebernhard Hotthaco (wien, 2023-09-07)
Russia has embarked on a terrible war of aggression in Ukraine. Before that they invaded Georgia, Moldova, and intervened in Syria. In every case they murder civilians indiscriminately and scoff at humanitarian considerations and be the rules of armed conflict. They, and their enablers, have no place in civil society. Alfred Nobel would be *appalled*.Fredrick Hansson (Stockholm, 2023-09-07)
You don´t invite savages to an event where you recognize science and human civilization.Oscar Urroz (Managua, 2023-09-07)
It is outrageous that Russia is being invited ANYWHERE other than The Hague for trial. Belarus is nothing more than Lil Russia and Iran supplies arms to terrorists.Ken Hamer (Thetford, 2023-09-07)
SLAVA UKRAINIMatthias Kahl (Braunschweig, 2023-09-07)
Russia, Belarus, Iran are terroristsIrene Stevens-Berns (San Antonio, 2023-09-07)
I hate russiaDaren Cleveland (Vancouver, 2023-09-07)
I'm signing because the named nations have no place in any event that directly or indirectly celebrates peace.Lori Jackson (Florida, 2023-09-07)
Isolate the murder regime.Daniel Wengelin (Täby, 2023-09-07)
Russia / Belarus / Iran will never change unless there are consequences to their actions.Until they do we shouldn't invite them to parties
Niall Holden (Armadale, 2023-09-07)
Russia is a terrorist state and must be treated like oneIndrek Lobus (Tartu, 2023-09-07)
I had to... Russia is a terrorist state!Mircea Rusu (Bucharest, 2023-09-07)
Russia is a terrorist stateVeronika Schwartz (Hombrechtikon, 2023-09-07)
Why invite Terrorists to a ceremony to celebrate peace and progressJeppe Geer (Aalborg, 2023-09-07)
I do not support the invasion of Ukraine!Alessandro Giovanardi (Modena, 2023-09-07)
Supporting UkraineAlessio Olli (Treviso, 2023-09-07)
Russia is committing a genocide on Ukraine and propping itself up on Belarus & Iran. Would you invite North Korea? Of course not! SANCTIONS APPLY HEREMelissa Freeman (Vancouver, 2023-09-07)
I feel ver strongly about this issueA Magan (Edenvale, 2023-09-07)
Terrorist countries should not attend Nobel price AwardsFrank Wagenaar (Växjö, 2023-09-07)
Russia is an internationally recognized terrorist state. You wouldn't invite Al Quaeda to Nobel ceremony, would you?Laurynas Milinis (Klaipėda, 2023-09-07)
I am a fellaRenée Hernandez (Visé, 2023-09-07)
The freedom will prevail!Karina Lembowicz (Madrid, 2023-09-07)
It's absolute nonsense to invite these terrorist states to any Nobel event, especially on Nobel PEACE prize ceremony.Petri Laari (Espoo, 2023-09-07)
Because its the Nobel PEACE PrizeDavid Hartley (Heanor, 2023-09-07)
I hate ruzZia and it should be finished as a country for crimes against humanityEdward Ormonde (Dublin, 2023-09-07)
I sign this because Russia and their homies as mass murdering garbage.Henric Appelgren (Sjulsmark, 2023-09-07)
RuZZia is a terrorist state as it is also Irans Regime and Belarus RegimeChristine Zädow (Greifswald, 2023-09-07)
Russia is a Terrorist State, this state and the supporters of Russia mustn‘t be at NobelPrize!Michael Düing (Gladbeck, 2023-09-07)
Russia is a terrorist stat!! genocide army are what they are.Örjan Harila (Lillpite, 2023-09-07)
Russia is a BNazi stateSteve Palmer (Nottingham, 2023-09-07)
Russia and Belarus must not be invitedEsteban Richey (Westfield, 2023-09-07)
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhereAlexander Wallace (Arlington, VA, 2023-09-07)
FAFOPawel Sadej (BROOKLYN, 2023-09-07)